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PLCC’s 2021-2022 Small Business Support Action Plan

PLCC’s 2021-2022 Small Business Support Action Plan is now available, and it will guide PLCC’s work to support small and microbusinesses through the overlapping challenges of rising commercial rents, construction disruptions, and the pandemic.

The PLCC Small Business Support Action Plan builds on a three-phase small business COVID recovery framework developed by Jill Schlesinger, a nationally-syndicated financial columnist. This includes immediate Triage, medium-term Transition, and long-term Transformation strategies that will create vibrant spaces for the existing community and attract new customers. This plan prioritizes six neighborhoods, referred to throughout the plan as equity areas, where small businesses are most vulnerable to displacement and where increased community investment can drive racial equity. These areas include Greater Riverdale, communities along University Boulevard including Northern Gateway and Langley Park, Long Branch, Bonifant Street and Fenton Village in Silver Spring, and the Brookville Road Business District in Lyttonsville. There are an estimated 830 micro-businesses within 1/2 mile and 513 micro-businesses within 1/4 mile of these stations.

Co-Chaired by the Latino Economic Development Center and CASA, the PLCC Small Business Action Team is focused on supporting existing businesses and strengthening commercial corridors. Strategies identified include:

-Place-based Management, Technical Assistance and Service Coordination

-Policy, Advocacy, and Education

-Marketing and Promotion

-Research and Relationship-Building for Transformation

See the Executive Summary here, and the full Small Business Support Action Plan here.

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Event Recap: A Developers’ Roundtable

On May 13, 2021, developers from around the region participated in a discussion about one of PLCC’s most pressing issues: how to create and preserve affordable housing in the the face of rising property values along the Purple Line. The event brought together county officials, funders, developers, and housing experts for a comprehensive conversation about what’s needed to create new affordable units.

The even featured:

→ A tour of Purple Line stations by Ralph Bennett, board president of Purple Line NOW.

→Presentations by the directors Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties’ housing development agencies about resources for affordable housing development.

→A discussion of financing sources from Enterprise Community Partners and the National Housing Trust.

→Profiles of neighborhoods and sites in the corridor that are ideal candidates for affordable housing.

→A presentation of the Villas at Langley, the apartment complex in Langley Park recently acquired by Jair Lynch.

The event was facilitated by the Housing Accelerator Action Team, a collaboration between the region’s housing agencies, housing nonprofits, and community organizations working together to realize the recommendations in the PLCC Housing Action Plan.

Materials from the event are available below.


A Quick Stations Tour of the Purple Line, Ralph Bennett of Purple Line Now

Advancing Affordable Housing in Prince George’s County, Director Aspasia Xypolia, Prince George’s County Department of Housing and Community Development

Catalytic Financing to Support Affordable Housing, Kladé Hare of National Housing Trust and Sharon Bollers of Enterprise Community Partners

Case Study: A Commitment in Langley Park, Phuc D. Tran of Jair Lynch Real Estate Partners

Financing Information

Enterprise Conventional Equity Information

Enterprise Corporate Resume

Enterprise New Markets Tax Credits Program

Enterprise Affordable Workforce Housing Information

National Housing Trust Purple Line Lending Information

Washington Housing Initiative Impact Pool Loan Terms

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Headen Spring Development issues Invitation for Expression of Interest

Headen Spring Development LLC has issued an Invitation for Expression of Interest for the envisioned mixed-use development near the planned Kenilworth Ave/Riverdale Rd Purple Line station. A full description of the project is available here.

The project, as proposed, will include 290 units of affordable and market-rate housing. Headen Spring is an important opportunity in the context of PLCC’s goal to ensure no net loss of affordable housing along the Purple Line corridor and we are excited to see the development moving forward.

Additional information about the site and invitation process are included in the attached document. Submissions are requested by February 25, 2021. Prospective applicants are encouraged to email Lisa Butler McDougal or Simone Griffin with questions.

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