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PLCC Coalition Building Happy Hour, October 26, 2023

Time: October 26, 2023, 5-7:30 PM

PLCC Happy Hour

Join the Purple Line Corridor Coalition for a fall happy hour! This is an informal opportunity to connect in-person with organizations, agencies, and neighbors working for equitable change in Purple Line communities. We’re hoping to use this opportunity to expand our network, so please bring a friend or colleague who might be interested in joining the PLCC network!

Please register by Friday, October 20 so that we can give the restaurant an accurate headcount.

What? Happy hour with PLCC*

When? October 26 from 5-7:30 PM

Where? Alegria Food Court, 1535 University Blvd E, Langley Park, MD

*Attending the event is free, but food and drink are at your own expense. Meals range from $15-25

Happy Hour del PLCC

Acompañe a la Coalición del Corredor de la Línea Morada (PLCC) para un Happy Hour este otoño. Esta es una oportunidad informal para conectarse en persona con organizaciones, agencias, y vecinos que trabajan por lograr cambios equitativos en las comunidades de la Línea Morada. Esperamos usar esta oportunidad para expandir nuestra red, por eso invite a un amigo o colega que pueda estar interesado en unirse a la red de PLCC.

Favor de registrarse antes del viernes, 20 de octubre para darle al restaurante el número exacto de asistentes.

¿Qué? Happy Hour con el PLCC*

¿Cuándo? 26 de octubre de 5 a 7:30 pm

¿Dónde? Alegria Food Court, 1535 University Blvd. E., Langley Park, MD

*Asistir a este evento es gratis, pero el costo de la comida y bebidas corren por su cuenta. Los platos de comida fluctúan entre los $15-25

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Report: The Purple Line Equitable Transit-Oriented Development Strategy

The Purple Line Equitable Transit-Oriented Development Strategy is the product of a two-year planning process funded by a transit-oriented development planning grant from the Federal Transit Administration. The report includes strategies for affordable housing, small business preservation, safe pedestrian/bicycle access to stations, and inclusive economic growth. 

On September 28th, 2022 the final report was released at a public event at the Brigadier General Charles E. McGee Library in downtown Silver Spring.

View the report.

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September 28 report release event

September 28 Release Event

Purple Line Equitable Transit-Oriented Development Strategy

The Purple Line Corridor Coalition and the National Center for Smart Growth at the University of Maryland are pleased to invite you to the release of a comprehensive set of strategies to drive equitable development along the Purple Line.  “The Purple Line Equitable Transit-Oriented Development Strategy” is the product of a two-year planning process funded by a transit-oriented development planning grant from the Federal Transit Administration. The report includes strategies for affordable housing, small business preservation, safe pedestrian/bicycle access to stations, and inclusive economic growth. 

Please Join Us:
Wednesday, September 28
Brigadier General Charles E. McGee Library
900 Wayne Avenue, Silver Spring, MD
(outside where the Purple Line will run under the library)
9:30a   Light refreshments
10:00a Program 

Please RSVP here.

We look forward to seeing you!
Join us for the release of a Purple Line ETOD strategy
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PLCC workforce development and library outreach

PLCC has been working with Prince George’s and Montgomery Public Library Systems to ensure Purple Line corridor residents are aware of the many free workforce resources and trainings both systems offer within the corridor. The result of that effort is Purple Line Corridor to Success, a series promoting a wide range of digital tools and digital skill-building resources for corridor residents to access and learn from. Register here and please share with your networks!

This partnership builds upon PLCC’s report, Long Term Workforce Development Strategies for the Purple Line Corridor: Ensuring a More Inclusive and Equitable Workforce Recovery in the Post-Pandemic Era. The report was the culmination of several months of research and collaborative discussion with representatives of county agencies, community colleges, nonprofit service providers, libraries, public school systems, and others. It charts a path forward to leverage the Purple Line investment to generate economic opportunity for more corridor residents, especially Black, Latinx, and immigrant residents, and those with lower incomes to attain higher-skill and higher wage jobs, thereby increasing employers’ competitiveness in the corridor.

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