PLCC Partners Step Up to Provide COVID Support
The Purple Line Corridor Coalition formed to help businesses and residents deal with the disruption caused by the Purple Line. But the pandemic has turned just about everything upside down this year, and that includes the work of PLCC partners, who are using their expertise to help homeowners, renters, and entrepreneurs struggling from the economic consequences of the pandemic.
Some of the COVID-19 support being offered by PLCC partners:
LEDC has offered trainings and pro bono legal services to businesses and is providing support to underrepresented entrepreneurs in the hospitality and food industries through its Food Venture Initiative. LEDC has also helped tenants apply for rental assistance and supported rent strikes when necessary.
CASA has also been helping renters organize rent strikes. Organizers, like Jorge Benitez-Perez, have also helped tenants negotiate with landlords to secure rent relief.
Housing Initiative Partnership’s housing counseling program is helping homeowners and renters avoid eviction and foreclosure. HIP helps homeowners negotiate with lenders to prevent default, and provides guidance and advice on refinancing.
Enterprise Community Partners has created a toolkit for organizations managing affordable housing, who themselves have been hit economically during the pandemic.
National Housing Trust and others have advocated for an extension to the CDC’s eviction moratorium.
Northern Gateway CDC has delivered groceries to people in need in University Park and Langley Park.
Kaiser Permanente and CKAR have collaborated to support the Greater Riverdale community, including the creation of a refrigerated food distribution site using two tractor trailers that got a full makeover.
These efforts don’t go nearly far enough to address all of the needs in the Purple Line Corridor, but they are providing support to many. If you or someone you know needs support, please reach out to our partners–they may be able to help!
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