September 28 report release event
September 28 Release Event Purple Line Equitable Transit-Oriented Development Strategy The Purple Line Corridor Coalition and the National Center for Smart Growth at the University of Maryland are pleased to invite you to the release of a comprehensive set of strategies to drive equitable development along the Purple Line. “The Purple Line Equitable Transit-Oriented Development Strategy” is the product of a two-year planning process funded by a transit-oriented development planning grant from the Federal Transit Administration. The report includes strategies for affordable housing, small business preservation, safe pedestrian/bicycle access to stations, and inclusive economic growth. Please Join Us: Wednesday, September 28 Brigadier General Charles E. McGee Library 900 Wayne Avenue, Silver Spring, MD (outside where the Purple Line will run under the library) 9:30a Light refreshments 10:00a Program Please RSVP here. We look forward to seeing you! |

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