Housing options near transit provide access to jobs, schools and amenities such as businesses and health care providers.

Housing opportunities are available for people of all income levels in communities throughout the corridor, especially current low-, middle-income, and transit-dependent residents.
Our Work
→ Build and maintain a thriving and balanced housing market
→ Mitigate market disruptions with adverse impacts on existing residents
→ Foster home ownership opportunities through the corridor
In 2018, the Center for Community Investment designated Kaiser Permanente as the anchor health care institution to convene Accelerating Investments for Healthy Communities (AIHC) [centerforcommunityinvestment.
HAAT has developed its first Housing Action Plan to guide the Coalition’s work over the next three years before the Purple Line opens. In 2019, the HAAT collected input from staff and elected leaders in both counties, and meeting with community organizations, developers, civic and faith-based organizations. A housing survey was conducted in summer 2019 with almost 600 residents responding. Recently approved County plans, policies and zoning updates that also reflect significant community input also inform the 12 Housing Action Plan recommendations.
View the full Housing Action Plan here: in English
View a summary of the Housing Action Plan here: in English
View a summary of the Housing Action Plan here: in Spanish
The PLCC Housing Action Plan is designed as a living document that will evolve with the Coalition to frame and steer our strategic focus as we collectively work to assist to preserve the affordability and vitality of communities along the Purple Line. Creating the Coalition’s plan marks an important milestone in our progress, but there is much more work and change still to come.
All communities along the corridor deserve decent housing and affordable choices, and this plan puts us on track and heading in the right direction to get there. We greatly value your ongoing support and look forward to working with you in the months ahead.
Past HAAT Meeting:
- June 12th, 2020 –Virtual meeting
→ Agenda
→ JOB POSTING: PLCC Housing Coordinator
→ State and Local Emergency & Eviction Prevention Rental Assistance
→ Underutilized Land & Multifamily Housing Inventory Projects in the Corridor-Update
→ JPMorgan Chase PRO Neighborhoods CDFI Capital – Contact Kladé Hare, Loan Officer, National Housing Trust,
khare @ nhtinc.org or 202-333-8931 x 131
- April 17th, 2020–Virtual meeting
→ Agenda
→ Underutilized Land & Multifamily Housing Inventory Projects in the Corridor-Update
→ Montgomery Planning Preservation Study
→ Outline Montgomery County Housing Initiatives by Council member Reimer
- February 14th, 2020 @ Langley Park Multi-Service Center
→ Presentation by Council member Deni Taveras
→ Underutilized Land & Multifamily Housing Inventory Projects in the Corridor
Stay in touch with us – share any PLCC questions or comments.
For more information, please contact a co-chair:
Chris Gillis, MHP cgillis@mhpartners.org
MaryannDillon, HIP mdillon@hiphomes.org
Joseph K. Williams,Sr., Enterprise Community Partners jkwilliams@enterprisecommunity.org
George L Leventhal, Kaiser Permanente George.L.Leventhal@kp.org
CASA & Fair Development Coalition ⬩ Coalition for Smarter Growth (CSG) ⬩ Enterprise Community Development(ECD) ⬩ Enterprise Community Partners (Co-Chair) ⬩ Housing Initiative Partnership(HIP) (Co-Chair) ⬩ Kaiser Permanente (Co-Chair) ⬩ Montgomery County Planning Department ⬩ Montgomery County Department of Housing and Community Affairs ⬩ Montgomery Housing Partnership (Co-Chair) ⬩ National Center for Smart Growth (NCSG) ⬩ National Housing Trust ⬩ Prince George’s County Department of Housing and Community Development ⬩ Prince George’s County Planning Department ⬩ Purple Line NOW & More
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