Our Goals

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Ensure housing opportunities are available for low- and moderate-income residents.

The HAAT (Housing Accelerator Action Team) is working to preserve 17,000 affordable housing units along the corridor. Click here for more information about the HAAT's work, including data on housing in the corridor, information about planned housing developments, and notes from past meetings.

Key Strategies

→   Increase supply and improve quality of affordable housing.

→   Establish cross-jurisdictional coordination.

→   Foster collaborative culture and leadership among PLCC partners.

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Diverse, locally established businesses prosper both during and after the construction period.

The PLCC Small Business Action Team's work is guided by an action plan that focuses on small and micro business preservation in six equity areas along the corridor. The plan takes into account the importance of short- and long-term COVID recovery and response, as well as construction disruptions. LEDC is also leading small business preservation and lending efforts along the Purple Line Corridor as a partner on the JP Morgan Chase Pro Neighborhoods Purple Line Equitable Transit Oriented Development award. Click here for more information.

Key Strategies

→ Coordinate technical assistance and support to small and micro businesses focusing on short and long term COVID recovery. 

→ Promote and market individual businesses and commercial districts.

→ Minimize construction disruption.

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Workers in the corridor are well-trained, grow in number, and are well-matched with employers in skills and location.

In 2021, PLCC engaged county workforce leadership, nonprofit service providers, community colleges, libraries, school systems, and other stakeholders in both counties to identify strategies to advance workforce development in the Purple Line Corridor. The culmination of that work is Long-Term Strategies for the Purple Line Corridor: Ensuring A More Inclusive and Equitable Recovery in the Post-Pandemic Era. Stay tuned for updates on short-term action commitments by PLCC's workforce partners.

Key Strategies

→  Build a balanced and productive labor market through the creation of new and targeted workforce training programs.

→ Increase access to jobs created by Purple Line for workers living in the corridor and small or disadvantaged business enterprises.

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Vibrant and sustainable communities enhance health, culture and a sense of place.

Key Strategies

→ Build, preserve, and sustain thriving neighborhoods through improved access and safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users.

→ Preserve neighborhood culture and character through investments such as public art, parks, and corridor branding.

→ Strengthen community input and engagement.

→ Minimize neighborhood disruption during and after construction.